Podcast – The Good Life France https://thegoodlifefrance.com Everything you ever wanted to know about france and more Mon, 18 Nov 2024 07:12:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/thegoodlifefrance.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-Flag.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Podcast – The Good Life France https://thegoodlifefrance.com 32 32 69664077 Christmas food of France podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/christmas-food-of-france-podcast/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 07:12:21 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=277868 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast where we share everything about France and French culture! This episode is a lip-smacking, mouth-watering, tummy-rumbling, finger-lickin’, well-seasoned seasonal episode about the food that the French traditionally eat at Christmas! And not just any old food. This is French food at its best, each course planned meticulously for […]

The post Christmas food of France podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast where we share everything about France and French culture!

This episode is a lip-smacking, mouth-watering, tummy-rumbling, finger-lickin’, well-seasoned seasonal episode about the food that the French traditionally eat at Christmas! And not just any old food. This is French food at its best, each course planned meticulously for a long, long Christmas Eve meal! Plus we talk local specialities, historic dishes, some really fun facts and fascinating (at times weird) French food traditions.

Christmas food of France

Join us on festive and fun feast of journey to discover all the delicious, succulent, luscious, yummy, and scrumptious Christmas food of France – everything the French love to indulge in to celebrate the season! A laugh out loud episode!

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: Brit Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter in Lyon, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

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And listen to all of our podcasts on the website – no app!

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Christmas food of France podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.

France and French culture – in a podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/france-and-french-culture-in-a-podcast/ Mon, 04 Nov 2024 07:33:34 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=277718 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast – Discover France and French culture! In this episode we look at some Very French Things, including the mysterious attitude of the French when it comes to telling the time, the ‘national sport’ of striking, philosophy, and being miserable – for fun! A laugh out loud episode and […]

The post France and French culture – in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast – Discover France and French culture!

In this episode we look at some Very French Things, including the mysterious attitude of the French when it comes to telling the time, the ‘national sport’ of striking, philosophy, and being miserable – for fun! A laugh out loud episode and a deep dive into the psyche of the French!

Discover France and French culture

The France of films, television and books, tempts you to think that life in France is all about living in a luxury villa in sun-kissed Provence, surrounded by vineyards and lavender fields or in balconied apartments overlooking the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It may seem that the French spend two hours every day eating long lunches where every meal is haute cuisine. And that every French woman is slim and stylish and every French man is handsome and seductive. Non, non, non – we reveal the reality! Though, we admit there are elements of truth to this notion!

Sit back, click the play button above and find out more in Very French Things Part 2!

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: Brit Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter in Lyon, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

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Want more France?

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And listen to all of our podcasts on the website – no app!

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post France and French culture – in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.

Potted history of France in a podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/potted-history-of-france-in-a-podcast/ Mon, 21 Oct 2024 05:30:31 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=277502 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast – a potted history of France. In this episode, we explore 2,500 years of French history and the key events that shaped the destiny of France. We’ll also discover some of the most memorable members of France’s ruling families through the ages from the Gauls and the Romans […]

The post Potted history of France in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast – a potted history of France.

In this episode, we explore 2,500 years of French history and the key events that shaped the destiny of France.

We’ll also discover some of the most memorable members of France’s ruling families through the ages from the Gauls and the Romans to the Visigoths, Vandals and Vikings and through to the dynasties of the Franks, the Merovingians, Carolingians and the Bourbons and on through to French Revolution and the Republic of France we have today.

A potted history of France

France’s history is part Game of Thrones and part pot luck and this episode is full of fun and fascinating facts.

Sit back, click play and be prepared to be wowed by the incredible history of France – and all in less than 30 minutes.

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: Brit Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter in Lyon, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

And listen to all of our podcasts on the website – no app!

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Potted history of France in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.

The history of Haute Cuisine podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/the-history-of-haute-cuisine-podcast/ Mon, 07 Oct 2024 05:34:28 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=277263 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast. Discover the history of haute cuisine! It’s not just about fancy food – it’s about artistry, precision, and a true celebration of ingredients and technique and appreciating the finest things in life. It’s a tale that goes back centuries, and the history of haute cuisine includes the French […]

The post The history of Haute Cuisine podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast.

Discover the history of haute cuisine! It’s not just about fancy food – it’s about artistry, precision, and a true celebration of ingredients and technique and appreciating the finest things in life. It’s a tale that goes back centuries, and the history of haute cuisine includes the French Revolution, obsessive chefs and edible art.

Haute cuisine aboard a CroisiEurope cruise ship

As the great American cook Julia Child once said – in France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport… This is a nostril quivering, mouth-watering, fabulously fun episode that’s full of fascinating facts!

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: Brit Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter in Lyon, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

And listen to all of our podcasts on the website – no app!

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post The history of Haute Cuisine podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.

The arts of France – Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité, arty! https://thegoodlifefrance.com/the-arts-of-france-liberte-fraternite-egalite-arty/ Mon, 23 Sep 2024 05:14:38 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276927 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast. In this episode we talk about the Arts of France. And we don’t just mean paintings and sculptures – we mean the official classified arts of France. You might be surprised to find out that there is an official and surprising classification of the arts that includes some […]

The post The arts of France – Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité, arty! appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast.

In this episode we talk about the Arts of France. And we don’t just mean paintings and sculptures – we mean the official classified arts of France.

The arts of France

You might be surprised to find out that there is an official and surprising classification of the arts that includes some things you might never have imagined (comic books that’s you!) and we’ll share some of the best places to see the arts as we go – from a World War II submarine pen in Bordeaux to Claude Monet’s garden in Normandy.

Liberté, fraternité, egalité, arty!

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: Brit Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter in Lyon, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

And listen to all of our podcasts on the website – no app!

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post The arts of France – Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité, arty! appeared first on The Good Life France.

Very French things in a podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/very-french-things-in-a-podcast/ Mon, 09 Sep 2024 05:27:11 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276862 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast. In this episode we explore some of the things that are unique in French culture, charming, funny or perhaps just a little odd. An online chicken beauty contest that’s not just about feathers but personality! How about a pig squealing contest – featuring humans! Dogs in restaurants, dipping […]

The post Very French things in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast.

In this episode we explore some of the things that are unique in French culture, charming, funny or perhaps just a little odd. An online chicken beauty contest that’s not just about feathers but personality! How about a pig squealing contest – featuring humans! Dogs in restaurants, dipping buttered bread in coffee, plus more weird and wonderful very French things!

Tune into discover authentic, historic and gastronomic France with your hosts: British-born, but ‘almost French’ Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Very French things in a podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.

Podcast Napoleon Bonaparte – including the weird stuff! https://thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast-napoleon-bonaparte-including-the-weird-stuff/ Mon, 12 Aug 2024 06:01:46 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276188 In this episode we explore the life of a truly legendary figure. He died more than 200 years ago but his legacy is as relevant in France today as it was then. He was one of the most powerful men in the world. He was loved by some, hated with a passion by his enemies. […]

The post Podcast Napoleon Bonaparte – including the weird stuff! appeared first on The Good Life France.


In this episode we explore the life of a truly legendary figure. He died more than 200 years ago but his legacy is as relevant in France today as it was then. He was one of the most powerful men in the world. He was loved by some, hated with a passion by his enemies. He was a complicated man, who from modest beginnings on the island of Corsica rose to the become Emperor of France. Enter one Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon is one of those characters that even now people have strong feelings about and France has been indelibly marked by his presence. Let’s find out more about the legend of Napoleon – what he was really like and some fun facts from his favourite food to the romantic novel he wrote…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Your hosts: British-born, but ‘almost French’ Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Podcast Napoleon Bonaparte – including the weird stuff! appeared first on The Good Life France.

Podcast Josephine Bonaparte https://thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast-josephine-bonaparte/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 06:13:14 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276146 Step back in time to look at the life of a women who helped to shape the history of France. She is remembered for her personal style and influence. She was an icon of fashion, a patron of the arts, and the first Empress of France. She was married to one of the most powerful […]

The post Podcast Josephine Bonaparte appeared first on The Good Life France.


Step back in time to look at the life of a women who helped to shape the history of France. She is remembered for her personal style and influence. She was an icon of fashion, a patron of the arts, and the first Empress of France. She was married to one of the most powerful men in the world. And from humble beginnings on the island of Martinique to her days in the opulent halls of French power, her life was one of resilience – a real rags to riches story.

Podcast Josephine Bonaparte

Legend has it that when she was ten years old, she was told by a fortune teller that she would be unhappily married, widowed, and then become Queen of France. “More than a queen,” she was told, precisely, “but only for a short time.”

Discover the life and legacy of  Josephine Bonaparte.

Josephine Bonaparte’s life was one that was full of ups and downs, her tale is of a woman who had to be strong and bloody minded to survive, and it’s a fascinating story. Let’s find out more…

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Your hosts: British-born, but ‘almost French’ Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Podcast Josephine Bonaparte appeared first on The Good Life France.

Podcast about Victor Hugo including the fun facts! https://thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast-about-victor-hugo-including-the-fun-facts/ Mon, 29 Jul 2024 07:00:01 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276059 Welcome to The Good Life France podcast. In this episode we’re going to look at the life of one of France’s most famous writers – Victor Hugo. He was a genius writer, a most unusual man who lived an extraordinary life. His writing lives on, his books are still best sellers, his stories have inspired […]

The post Podcast about Victor Hugo including the fun facts! appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France podcast.

In this episode we’re going to look at the life of one of France’s most famous writers – Victor Hugo. He was a genius writer, a most unusual man who lived an extraordinary life. His writing lives on, his books are still best sellers, his stories have inspired films, musicals and plays. One of his books saved the great Gothic Cathedral of Notre-Dame from being left to rot. And one of his hardly known characters inspired one of the most famous 20th century comic book legends – that’s no joke! Victor Hugo was a fascinating character with a lasting legacy – and he had some outright odd habits which we’ll find out about!

He is a writer every French school child learns about, a household name, an icon of French literature, a key figure in the culture of France many years after his death. And it has to be said, at times a bit eccentric!

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Your hosts: British-born, but ‘almost French’ Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

All episodes on the website

Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post Podcast about Victor Hugo including the fun facts! appeared first on The Good Life France.

French Riviera Podcast https://thegoodlifefrance.com/french-riviera-podcast/ Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:12:36 +0000 https://thegoodlifefrance.com/?p=276054 Welcome to The Good Life France Podcast! Today we’re setting sail for the French Riviera as English speakers call it, the Côte d’Azur as French speakers call it, the azure blue coast. It’s a stretch of Mediterranean coastline that is as rich in history as it is in sun-drenched luxury. We’ll explore how it came […]

The post French Riviera Podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.


Welcome to The Good Life France Podcast!

Today we’re setting sail for the French Riviera as English speakers call it, the Côte d’Azur as French speakers call it, the azure blue coast. It’s a stretch of Mediterranean coastline that is as rich in history as it is in sun-drenched luxury. We’ll explore how it came to be so famous – from the Victorian Lords, Ladies and a Queen who discovered it, loved it and were sort of early influencers, to American celebrities who shaped its fame. We’ll uncover some of the best spots to visit, and share some fun facts along the way.

The French Riviera stretches from the southern edge of France to the border with Italy. Its story of glamour and allure began long before the movie stars arrived. It was the British who made it famous first – as a winter holiday destination, but it was the American influence in the early 20th century that really put it on the map – as a summer holiday destination. So grab your sunglasses and join us as we delve into the allure of the Côte d’Azur.

Find the podcast and transcript here on Buzzsprout

Your hosts: British-born, but ‘almost French’ Janine Marsh author of four international best-selling books about life in France and Frenchman Olivier, a radio presenter, share everything France and more through this podcast…

Coming up

Tune in for the next episode when we’ll be talking more about France…

Subscribe here to never miss an episode: thegoodlifefrance.com/podcast

All episodes on Apple podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/thegoodlifefrancepodcast

Please feel free to share this podcast – the more the merrier!

Find all our France Podcast episodes on all podcast platforms from Apple Music to Spotify

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Want more France?

Discover more fabulous destinations in France with our free magazine The Good Life France

All rights reserved. This article may not be published, broadcast, rewritten (including translated) or redistributed without written permission.

The post French Riviera Podcast appeared first on The Good Life France.
