TV and Satellite – The Good Life France Everything you ever wanted to know about france and more Sat, 10 Apr 2021 14:40:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TV and Satellite – The Good Life France 32 32 69664077 Great Service Satellite Broadband in France Tue, 20 Jun 2017 09:08:50 +0000 So what is Satellite Broadband, how does it work and how can you get satellite broadband in France? Satellite broadband explained In simplistic terms, just like earth based broadband there are carriers. These folks have launched the Satellites and then transmit the bandwidth to the “birds” in space. From space the Satellites transmit beams to […]

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So what is Satellite Broadband, how does it work and how can you get satellite broadband in France?

Satellite broadband explained

In simplistic terms, just like earth based broadband there are carriers. These folks have launched the Satellites and then transmit the bandwidth to the “birds” in space. From space the Satellites transmit beams to fixed locations on earth. The Satellite broadband supplier will provide a customer with a Satellite Dish. Once installed and pointed to the beam you get the bandwidth and can use a router like any other for fixed and WiFi use. So the technology is different but the net result for the customer is the same – up to 30Mb download speed broadband.

As long as you have line of sight to the sky – you can get broadband anywhere in the UK.

Why use satellite broadband in France?

Satellite broadband is particularly good for any domestic or business customer who wants broadband but can’t find any service or a decent service from a telecoms operator. In rural locations for instance, broadband may be available over a copper based telephone line but the performance is less than 2Mb download speed due to the distance from the exchange. This customer would be an ideal user of Satellite broadband.

However it’s not just people that use broadband these days. IOT and smart devices , connected homes, M2M, CCTV etc are all good example use cases. Some use mobile networks and some use broadband and some use both. If you have a site in a rural location such as a wind farm for example – you might find that both broadband over a copper line and mobile coverage does not exist. This therefore is another good example use case for Satellite broadband to solve a business issue.

Is Satellite broadband expensive?

Satellite broadband technology is now quite mature so you may be surprised by the level of performance and low cost. If you want to extend your network into areas where there’s no service or the connectivity needs improving or the speed is so slow you tear your hair out in frustration – then satellite might be the thing for you.

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Satellite broadband for expats in France Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:42:51 +0000 Fed up with slow or unreliable land line broadband? Satellite broadband is the next generation alternative and we have some amazing prices for 22Mbps satellite broadband available everywhere in France right now. There’s never been a better time for satellite broadband for expats in France… Is your existing broadband service too slow and unreliable? Were […]

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satellite broadband in france

Fed up with slow or unreliable land line broadband? Satellite broadband is the next generation alternative and we have some amazing prices for 22Mbps satellite broadband available everywhere in France right now. There’s never been a better time for satellite broadband for expats in France…

Is your existing broadband service too slow and unreliable? Were you thinking that your only broadband option is committing to costs of a new phone line and a broadband connection? Or have you just lost your UK TV channels and would like to get reliable and free access online?

No line rental charges, low cost calls 

Fast, reliable next generation satellite broadband provides you with great value broadband and low cost calls – not to mention the savings you’ll make without the need for line rental charges.

Why go for satellite broadband in France?

satellite over earthIf you live in a rural area, satellite broadband will almost certainly be more reliable and much faster than a fixed line (ADSL) connection. Phone lines can  get damaged or suffer from corrosion. Such problems are inevitable as so much of the network is carried on poles (in towns much more network is underground). Network damage may also slow or stop your broadband connection altogether.

Internet reliability and speed is everything!

Depending on where you live in France, there are a range of options that allow you to access satellite TV channels as well.

What else do I need to know?

Getting connected to satellite broadband should be simple and straight-forward:

1. It can be much cheaper and quicker than a new landline. With rural fixed lines, it is common that additional telephone poles are needed to connect your property to the existing network and these typically cost 500€. With satellite, our installation process is much quicker – you can normally get connected within a fortnight.

2. You should be able to transfer an existing French number over.

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How to watch British TV in France Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:55:08 +0000 One of the things that British expats in France always seem to ask is “How do I get to watch British TV?” in my new country. It’s not a sign that they’re not willing to adapt to new ways or adopt new practices, but for many expats, keeping up with the news or their preferred […]

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watch british tv in france

One of the things that British expats in France always seem to ask is “How do I get to watch British TV?” in my new country.

It’s not a sign that they’re not willing to adapt to new ways or adopt new practices, but for many expats, keeping up with the news or their preferred soaps and comedy shows is a way to keep in touch with home and of course, carry on watching their favourite programmes!

We spoke to Gary Carlyle-Cook, a man who really understands that often expats want to carry on watching the telly from home. Several years ago Gary’s sister moved to Spain and loved her life as an expat, but she missed her favourite soap opera on TV: EastEnders!  Gary helped sort out her problem and enabled her to watch British TV easily and legally. More and more expats started asking him for help and he built up a level of expertise and know-how that led him to start his own family business, born from a genuine intention to help people – a feeling Gary still enjoys to this day.

How does Watch British TV do it?

Well, first and foremost – what they do is legal and that is important because it is possible to break the law by watching British TV overseas.  Gary’s company allows clients to watch British TV via the internet.  In the simplest terms, programmes on British TV stations are viewable via the company’s UK based server, shared via internet to a client’s computer which can be connected to the TV.

Watching TV has moved on apace in the last few years and this way of catching up with programmes from home has become increasingly simple, secure, speedy and economical. Gary is so confident that he can help people watch British TV from France (or anywhere else for that matter) that he’s offering a free trial. Lots of people, particularly those who aren’t very familiar with working via the internet worry that it might be too difficult to set up the service. “Not so” says Gary “Our friendly and safe service comes from years of experience of helping people get British TV and content abroad via the internet and satellite”.

Many companies offer a free trial for their VPN (Virtual Private Network) service – basically this means that a client’s IP address (Internet Protocol – a code that defines a computer’s address on the internet) is amended to allow access to UK on-demand catch-up services such as Iplayer, 4OD, Film 4, etc. The connection speeds are fast and there is no buffering; it’s legal because the company aren’t capturing copyrighted streams, they are simply redirecting the programmes through their UK servers to their clients. Gary stresses that “after we change the IP address we encrypt the connection so it cant be snooped upon if in a hotel or on WIFI. That can happen a lot in foreign countries as some people obviously prey on tourists”.

Gary says that very often, customers will want to upgrade to get the VPN service on their TV rather than their computer screen. Also increasingly popular is TV via satellite as well as SKY TV subscriptions.

There are certain ways for expats in France can continue to watch their favourite home grown programmes it seems…

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Satellite Internet in France – Your questions answered Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:15:49 +0000 The questions you want to know the answers to about Satellite Broadband services in France. It is a relatively new communication tool and for some, shrouded in mystery. It doesn’t have to be that way though and here we aim to answer all those tricky questions with clarity: Satellite Internet in France I have spoken […]

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Satellite Internet in France

The questions you want to know the answers to about Satellite Broadband services in France. It is a relatively new communication tool and for some, shrouded in mystery. It doesn’t have to be that way though and here we aim to answer all those tricky questions with clarity:

Satellite Internet in France

I have spoken to a neighbour who has satellite installed – he says that when he switches on there is a slight delay while it all powers up – after that it is so fast he’s astonished at the difference. Is that delay normal?
The delay is due to the latency of the service (the time it takes the signal to get up and down from a satellite 22,000 miles high). Check with any satellite broadband service you are considering what software techniques they have in place to minimise this lag, including an Internet Protocol Accelerator (IPA).

Can a competent DIYer install the dish and get it all going? 
You can self install if you’re good with DIY. We have full instructions to assist you.

You can also check video tutorials on Youtube (search for KA SAT) if you want to make sure you can install it yourself.

How do people find someone to do it for them if they don’t feel competent?
How much it costs varies from area to area and may depend on where your nearest installer is located from your property. If you are interested in a professional installation, ask your supplier or contact an installer directly in France (

Who carries out repairs, and how does that work?
If you have any problem with your satellite broadband, you should be able to contact your providor for assistance – it is worth checking in advance what services they offer.

How do you assess how much download you need per month?
The data allowance needed will depend on your usage. If you use Internet for browsing and checking your emails, your allowance doesn’t need to be too high. However, if you use Internet for skype, downloading, and watching television online you will need a bigger package as these type of usage are data heavy.

Please find below the data required for common usage so that it can help you to make your choice:

Download                             GB required
Low definition movie:         0.75GB
40 hours web surfing:         1.0GB
8 hours of internet radio:  1.0GB
HD quality movie:                4.5GB

It may be best to under estimate your likely usage as upgrades are free but downgrades are chargeable!

What is the difference to the client of buying/renting a dish?
Purchasing the equipment may be best if you have a second home as the service can be suspended while you are not at the property – the suspension is cost effective if the service is suspended for at least 3 consecutive months but note there may be a one-off charge applied every time you wish to have the service back on. The contract length if you decide to purchase the equipment is 1 month.

If you live permanently in the property, it is usually best to go ahead with one of the rental options.

Usually, the monthly service price is a bit higher compared to the one if you purchase the equipment and the contract length is 24 months. With the satellite rental, there is normally a set up fee, while with the satellite rental there is normally no set up fee but the monthly price may be higher.

What is meant by unlimited download off peak hours 23.00 – 07.00 (UK time) and does that mean that it’s not included in the monthly usage and download?

Many providors include this option in there sales brochures. It simply means that if you use your Internet during this period, it won’t be taken from your monthly allowance.

Is the only difference in renting satellite, light rental – the monthly price difference – not in the service or download speed?
Typically the only difference with the satellite rental is the contract length (24 months) but the service provided remains exactly the same.

Providors of satellite broadband vary in service, price and availability – it’s worth shopping around and checking the facts in advance to make sure you get what suits you best.

Setting up Satellite Broadband in France
Everything you need to know about Satellite Broadband

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Satellite Broadband and TV in France | Everything you need to know Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:58:59 +0000   We take a look at satellite broadband in France – if you want to know what satellite broadband in France is all about, this is the definitive guide that answers all your questions… Around 18,000 homes in France choose satellite broadband over traditional telephone line based services, a remarkably low amount. In the UK […]

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 satellite broadband and tv

We take a look at satellite broadband in France – if you want to know what satellite broadband in France is all about, this is the definitive guide that answers all your questions…

Around 18,000 homes in France choose satellite broadband over traditional telephone line based services, a remarkably low amount. In the UK and Ireland, where there is far better access to a speedy service of traditional broadband, there are more than 20,000 subscribers to satellite broadband. Given the comparatively poor access to fast broadband in France it is perhaps surprising that there are not more satellite subscribers, but many people are confused about how to install this service and what it really means.

Satellite Broadband in France

Often satellite broadband is the only reliable and fast service available in rural areas. Whilst it is generally more expensive to install it could actually be much cheaper if there are no nearby line services, but the deciding factor that is causing many people to turn to this channel for internet services is speed and reliability.

During winter months there will often be a number of telephone lines damaged by storms, and whenever this is the case the phone line repair teams are over-stretched and it is common for the service to take 10 or more days to restore. It makes no difference which provider you use, Orange, SFR or anybody else; the independent sub-contract engineers have to give equal priority to all faults.  Unless you have paid for an enhanced repair service you are in a queue and have to wait for them to get round to you.

Compare this to a satellite service. There are no lines to be damaged by the storms or corrosion of joints in lines at the top of poles, and the speed of the service is just as fast no matter where you live. Your service is delivered between your dish and the satellite and the only occasional problem can be a temporary loss of quality if there is a very heavy storm or snow. However as soon as the storm passes the service returns to normal. Most problems with satellite broadband incidentally, are usually associated with the modems.

Satellite Television in France

The satellites which are used to transmit TV programmes were altered which resulted in widespread loss of access to Sky TV services.  The satellites now in use have a tight beam, meaning that the further south of the Channel you are the more likely you are to lose access to UK TV.

Simply using a larger dish is no guarantee that you will get access to overseas services , but there are alternatives. You can buy a ‘free to air’ set top box to get the free to air French services, TF1, France2, 3, 5 and M6. This will be compatible with a UK TV.  You can also subscribe to Canal Satellite, a service similar to Sky and get some UK TV channels.

If you have a standard broadband service with at least 2Mbps speed, or a satellite service, you can use this to access UK TV catch-up TV. These are services provided in the UK by the major broadcasters who repeat programmes previously aired via digital distribution, allowing access via broadband.  BBC’s iPlayer, ITV Player and Channel4OD (On Demand) are popular examples. These programmes are usually available for 30 days, so it is a convenient way of seeing many popular soaps etc.

Getting the service outside of the UK will require special arrangements. If you have the technical knowledge you can set up a ‘sling box’ to establish your own Virtual Private Network. However most people choose specialist providers. If you subscribe to a satellite broadband service, remember that streaming TV programmes and films uses a lot of data (which is not unlimited as is the case for line based services), so make sure your data allowance is sufficient for your needs.  (See “your satellite broadband questions answered“).

TV programmes via broadband can be shown on your TV if you use an appropriate cable.

You can use a HDMI cable to connect your PC to your TV to get the best sound and picture quality.  Older PCs and TVs may only support a VGA cable, and this will not carry sound.

Comparing the costs – how to make sure you buy only what you need
Frequently asked questions and answers about satellite broad and phone services in France

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Money saving tips for Phone and Internet in France Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:39:33 +0000 The traditional contact with home through letters and occasional long distance phone calls has long been replaced by a world of instant contact through the internet and very inexpensive calls to international destinations. We look at some great ways to save money when you set up phone and internet in France. Save 50% on your […]

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phone and internet in france

The traditional contact with home through letters and occasional long distance phone calls has long been replaced by a world of instant contact through the internet and very inexpensive calls to international destinations. We look at some great ways to save money when you set up phone and internet in France.

Save 50% on your new telephone line in France

There is a wide range of telephone and broadband providers you can approach to get connected. The French telephone network is owned by Orange and all alternative companies will use this network. Orange has an English speaking help line and there are several expat providers offering services to English speakers. Repairs to the network are carried out by separate sub-contractors who give all telecom companies equal priority for their customers. If your property has had an active telephone line within the last 2 years, setting up a new service will be 55€ if you can provide the name of the previous user or the telephone number. The service can be activated remotely which keeps the cost down. If not, an engineer will have to visit the property and the cost will more than double – 130€. If you are not fluent in French or would find it helpful for someone to manage installation of your new line some of the specialist multi-lingual telecoms companies providing services to expats will do this for you, making a small charge for the work involved.

There is a monthly line rental charge (see the Orange Website:  for details).

Telephone and Broadband for remote locations in France

If you live in a remote area and there has never been a line installed it may be necessary to have additional telephone poles erected. It typically costs around 500€ for each pole and you will have to have a trench dug from the boundary to your property for the line to be laid in which will incur additional costs.

As satellite broadband and good quality calls have come down in price, people in these situations often go for satellite provision, especially as line based broadband will be slow and possibly not even available. Another benefit to using satellite telecoms is being able to take your handset with you anywhere in the world , as long as you can access a suitable broadband modem, your phone will still make and receive calls as if you were at home. Users need never miss a call, can make ‘free’ calls within their call package no matter where they are and the answerphone even works!

Telephone and Broadband for second homes in France

You may have purchased a second home and if so, you might want to use telephone and broadband services only whilst you are there. Providing you can prove that your main residence is elsewhere, you can choose to subscribe to line rental and broadband services that can be suspended. The line rental is known as ‘ligne residence secondaire’ and the broadband speed will be restricted to 0.5Mbps – be aware, this is slow by ordinary standards.

Look behind the headline prices to get the best deal

If you are going to be resident in France then you will want to consider taking a call package as this may be more cost effective. The market is very competitive with headline costs all competing with one another. It is worth noting that your call pattern may be different to the typical French customer for whom the call packages sold by French companies are designed.

If you are likely to call UK non-geographic numbers such as those used by banks, insurance companies, some government departments and other service related businesses you are likely to pay high charges for using them via a French telecoms service. Expat specialists can provide very attractive rates to call these UK specific numbers and the savings could be significant depending on your use.

Take a look at the back of credit cards and other items from organisations you use as, in addition to their 0845, 0847 0870 type of numbers, they often have an international number, use that instead. It will of course work in the UK if you drop the international prefix, and this will save you money when back in the UK!

If you cannot find a normal number visit and search for it there.

Save money on friends and family calls in France

One other often overlooked saving offered by the expat specialists is that they can ‘translate’ your French number to a low cost 0844 UK number. It does not affect the way your French number works but if you give this number to friends and family they can make huge savings when calling you. Typically a call made on a domestic BT line in the daytime will be six times as expensive as using your 0844 number. The service is FREE and there is no contract to commit to.

When things go wrong with your phone in France

Be aware that you will probably get charged a premium rate for a call for support to your French supplier. Following many complaints the premium rate is not charged until your call is answered, however a technical problem with your broadband can typically take between 20 and 30 minutes to resolve (particularly if your technical French is not good) and therefore the call can be expensive. Many of the expat specialists offer a Freephone number for all calls made in France to their offices and the support will be in English.

It pays to spend time finding a supplier who can give good, honest advice and can provide a one bill solution that is designed to meet your needs.

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TV in France Fri, 06 Jan 2012 11:18:51 +0000 Lots of people have asked us how to get British TV in France, so here’s our guide to how to access the programmes you want to see as well as how to get French TV. UK Televisions in France First of all – you can use your UK purchased TV in France.  Use a plug […]

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Lots of people have asked us how to get British TV in France, so here’s our guide to how to access the programmes you want to see as well as how to get French TV.

UK Televisions in France

First of all – you can use your UK purchased TV in France.  Use a plug adaptor as changing the plug will invalidate any warranties you might have if something goes wrong. TVs in France seem to be more expensive to buy than the UK so you might save money by purchasing in the UK but of course if anything goes wrong you do have to get it back for a service or replacement.

You won’t be able to watch UK terrestrial TV on your UK TV in France – the aerial will not be strong enough and the signal is far too weak.

If you want to watch French TV on your UK bought TV set in France without using a satellite dish check that your TV can accept SECAM broadcasts (as used in France) and not only PAL (UK) or you may only be able to see the programmes in black and white.

Freeview in France

A lot of UK TVs come with incorporated “free to view” box – these don’t work in France with just an aerial, the signal needed to make them effective is too weak. You can get access to the Free View channels via a good non-Sky digital receiver (see below).

Sky in France

Technically Sky are restricted in broadcasting services outside of the UK and if they knowingly provide you with a Sky box for use outside the UK they would be breaking the law. However, it’s a fact that many people take their Sky and Sky+ digiboxes and viewing cards from the UK to France and continue their subscription – they are breaking their terms and conditions but apparently not breaking the law. There are companies in the UK and France which offer Sky and Sky+ digiboxes and specialist satellite dishes (UK Sky mini dishes may not be strong enough). They cannot provide you with a viewing card – this can only come from Sky or Sky approved suppliers.  Some companies will also undertake installation for you. A quick search on the web will bring up several companies who offer such services. If you go this route, some Sky facilities are not available such as interactive viewing and Box Office offerings, and note that if Sky are aware that you are using their UK service in France your subscription is almost certainly going to be cut off.

Other Satellite services in France

There are French and UK providers of non Sky digiboxes that will enable you to get access to limited UK TV channels such as Free Sat – a quick search on the web will bring up a number of companies that will provide and install the service which requires a satellite dish. One of the best known for English speakers in France is Free Sat.

Free Sat in France offers 140 digital TV and radio British channels. You buy the box, there are no subscription charges and it’s available to almost every home in Europe.   There are no package options as with Sky – all the channels are automatically updated as they become available and include BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four,  ITV2, ITV3, Channel 4, five, More 4 and Film Four.

French TV 

You can  receive French channels through a standard aerial but it’s often a problem in rural or isolated areas where the signal is not strong and you may need to either upgrade to a bigger aerial or to a satellite package.

There are packages available from French outlets that are fairly cheap but often difficult to install and problematic and you may find it pays in the long run to purchase a better system rather than the cheapest – even if you don’t intend to use it a lot.

Shop around at electrical retailers such as Darty, at supermarkets or DIY stores for the best deals or at Orange France who are one of the biggest suppliers of satellite TV in France and there are lots of providers on the net too.

TV Licence in France

In France you need a license if you have a TV set.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t receive TV channels – the critical thing is – if you can receive channels then you have to pay up. The charge is included in your Taxe D’Habitation and automatically charged. If you don’t have a TV you need to declare it on your Taxe D’Habitation form to have the charge removed.

UK DVD player in France

If you want to bring a UK bought DVD player to France – you’ll have no problem, if it worked in the UK, it will work in France.

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