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The harvest party in France newsletter


I hope that you and yours are well.

Last weekend was the village Ducasse – a Flemish word (as the Seven Valleys, the area where I live used to be part of old Flanders in northern France) and it means party. Villages in these parts pretty much take it in turns to hold a Ducasse from spring to the end of October, ours is to celebrate the harvest, which after a damp and cool summer in these parts has been a challenge for farmers. The few sunny days we had whizzed by, and when I walked the dogs this week – it was clear autumn is fully en route. The leaves are falling, the ground is mossy and there is a chill in the air.

The Ducasse is always held the week of my birthday – thank you so much to everyone who sent me lovely messages (my good wishes bucket is brimming!) – and every year Jean-Claude, my neighbour and mentor, insists on a birthday dance with me, as his birthday is close to mine, and always to his favourite singer, the late, great Johnny Halliday (France’s answer to Elvis Presley). Around us old ladies bop sedately, swinging their skirts – freed from their day time house coats (nylon sleeveless pinafores that women of a certain age wear here in rural France). The DJ knows how to get the crowd going, in between the vintage music, he plays slightly less vintage music, “Flash Dance” always brings a slew of teenagers to the front to jog on the spot, Gangnam Style gets them doing pony rides, then a spot of line dancing gets the whole crowd up.

Meanwhile I’ve been working my socks off alongside some wonderful writers and The Good Life France Magazine is almost ready to be published – that’s definitely something to celebrate! It’s a beautiful issue and if you’re not subscribed, just click here, pop in your details and I’ll send you a copy very soon. It is completely free, and utterly gorgeous!

I’m hitting the road, or rather the train tracks as I go everywhere by train – in a few days’ time, to Paris and Nancy, and over the next few weeks to Normandy, Cognac, Provence, the Loire Valley and Alsace. Come with me via Instagram where I’ll post photos and videos as I go!

Wishing you a very bon weekend from autumnal France,


Read the whole newsletter here

Janine Marsh is Author of My Good Life in France: In Pursuit of the Rural Dream,  My Four Seasons in France: A Year of the Good Life and Toujours la France: Living the Dream in Rural France all available as ebook, print & audio, on Amazon everywhere & all good bookshops online. Her new book How to be French – a celebration of the French lifestyle and art de vivre, is out now – a look at the French way of life.

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