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Know the Speed limits on the roads in France

As of midnight 30 June 2018, the speed limit on all two-lane roads in France, was reduced from 90 kilometres per hour (55 miles per hour) to 80 kilometres per hour (50 miles per hour).

The French Government say that the change is to increase road safety and decrease auto emissions to support the environment.

Current speed limits in France

Motorway: 130 kilometres per hour, 110 kilometres per hour in wet weather (80 miles per hour, 68 miles per hour in wet weather)

Dual Carriageway (Major Roads): 110 kilometres per hour; 100 kilometres per hour in wet weather (68 miles per hour (62 miles per hour in wet weather)

Two-lane roads outside built-up areas: 80 kilometres per hour; 70 kilometres per hour in wet weather (50 miles per hour; 43 miles per hour in wet weather)

Built up areas (towns and villages): 50 kilometres per hour (31 miles per hour)

Fines will be inflicted on motorists who are caught breaking the rules for speed limits.

The new speed limit is no more popular with the French than it will be with tourists with many predicting more traffic jams and calling the change a money-making move.

More on driving in France

Make sure you have the right equipment and paperwork in your car when you’re driving in France: Top tips for driving in France