Spring officially starts on March 20, 2025 and festivals and events, as well as blossom, bursts into life all over the country. We take a look at some of the top events in France in March …
What’s on in France in March?
Sarlat: Perigord, Geese Festival Fest’Oie. From 1-2 March 2025, this famous annual festival takes place in the picturesque town of Sarlat and celebrates all things goose! Noisy flocks of geese honking through the medieval city, foie gras tastings, workshops and demonstrations. en.sarlat-tourisme.com
Provence, Tourrettes-sur-Loup, Alpes Maritime, Festival of Violets 1-2 March, 2025. The whole village smells of violets, there are farmers markets, and a violet parade with a battle of the flowers! Held annually first weekend in March. tourrettessurloup.com
Limousin, Limoges: Puces de la Cité. A very lively market with over 100 antique dealers. Held every 2nd Sunday of the month www.tourismelimoges.com
Nantes Carnival Time
The Nantes carnival is fun and fabulous (Loire-Atlantique) and takes place in March 2025 – dates TBC. While you’re there, don’t miss a trip to Les Machines de L’Ile – steam punk meets the imagination of the great French writer Jules Verne as a giant elephant roams the streets and rides made from enormous shellfish cause open-mouthed wonderment. www.nantes-tourisme.com
Côte-D’Azur, Nice: Les Printemps des Poètes,dates TBC. People in Nice go potty for poetry each March. This annual festival sees, and hears, recitals over a two week period in bars, theatres, clubs and cafés all over town. www.printempsdespoetes.com
Pas de Calais, Le Touquet: Car Rally, 13-15 March 2025. The inaugural round of the French Rally. Championship is held annually in Le Touquet. It’s a crazy car rally through the countryside and along the coast of Pas de Calais. More than 150 rally drivers converge on the lively seaside resort of Le Touquet for this one www.letouquet.com
Lagouile, Midi-Pyrénées, Aveyron: La Trace du Fromage March 2025 date TBC. A truly amazing cheese tasting event. www.tourisme-aveyron.com
Aquitaine, Bayonne Ham Fair: 10-13 April, 2025. For more than five centuries, the Bayonne Ham Fair has attracted gourmets to a festival of authentic regional produce. There’s also an omelette and ham competition!
Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis: Banlieues Bleues, 14 March – 11 April 2025. Jazz, blues and world music in districts all over Paris. uk.tourisme93.com/banlieue-bleue-festival
Gers, Le saint Mont, Vignoble en Fete, 29-30 March 2025. Winegrowers demonstrate their knowledge and products to visitors. Held annually, last weekend of March. www.mairie-saintmont.com
Please note: We check every website for dates and details personally but changes do happen from time to time – please check website for confirmation.
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